by Anita Benedict

I decided to do Christmas baking and try new recipes in hopes of making gifts of these cookies and fudge. As usual the fudge did not set, but not to be deterred, I googled what to do and the gingerbread fudge set the second time around. It may have been nervous not to, I threatened to throw it out, with a few choice words.
The cookies that were supposed to look like snowballs were tasty, but when I poured in the sweetened condensed milk, I forgot it was caramel; thus brown. Snowballs became something to do with reindeer. It was then I thought I should try a more familiar one of shortbread, made the way the mother-in-law always made them. Finally, a bit of success, and judging from their disappearance, they were good,
along with the “reindeer” cookies. I will make snow ball ones to give away, much more appetizing.
I thought it might get me in the Christmas mood and with six different versions of Frosty the Snowman blaring off Spotify, and skipping of a disturbing one by the Kinks, it was working. Then Elvis came on and asked the question “Why can’t every day be like Christmas?” That would be great if you truly enjoyed the season and had a great experience. Mind you his songs at Christmas have a good message, but he too sounds depressed and needed to find cheer.
“Why can’t every day feel like Christmas? Why can't that feeling go on endlessly? For if everyday could be just like Christmas, what a wonderful world this would be.” I agree, the old-fashioned Christmas, of simple gifts, and Santa leaving oranges, ribbon candy or barley candy animals on a stick. I still have a few of the toys he left in my sock. The old-fashioned Christmas where we don’t write hate filled posts on
Facebook about the imagined war on Christmas.
Then on Spotify came “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” and I lustily sang along with a broad smile and even a tear in my eye. My spirits were lifted, as wonderful memories came to life of one person who always was able to lift spirits when she entered a room; Myrtle White. Whether singing the Good Morning” song or Yodelling, the energy in the room was electric.
She has been on my mind due to her community minded spirit. As I prepared my cry for the Noel Tree lighting, for some reason, a Myrtle tree came to mind and I had to look it up, was it real? There is indeed an evergreen Myrtle tree, but it is not a Christmas tree. It does symbolize community and is a symbol of peace and prosperity. Our Myrtle was great for our community and while she is no longer with us, we
can make an effort to keep that community spirit alive.
I mentioned to an old school friend, who is a month younger than me, (must mention that or he will) that we should bring back the old-fashioned type of Christmas or holiday concert/show with music, skits etc. I took a screen shot of the text so we would remember. So, keep this in mind, next December, we will work on Community Christmas spirit that so many seem to want. Want to perform? You have a year
to practice. Until then, join us Christmas Eve at the Noel Church 7 pm. We will have music and a skit!