by Anita Benedict
For the first time in a long time, I am out of words. There is plenty I could say, but I truly do not want to, so will keep it light.

I will thank Angela for inviting me to participate in this wonderful bulletin. She has a powerful tool here that can bring community together, as long as we utilize it. I always knew she was smart and creative and this High Tides Bulletin proves it. I look forward to inspiration in the New Year for these blogs.
I also want to thank all of those who have reached out to tell me they enjoy reading what I write and even remembering what I said. I find it important to share the good things. We can be quick to complain, but slow to praise or thank.
I was asked about the stray cats. I still have Mr. Kitty hanging around. Occasionally I will see another cat stop by for a snack, and can now leave food out at night while the raccoons are sleeping. Mr. Kitty is usually there first thing in the morning and I told him I have to see him before I put out his soft food. I read that kitten food is good in the winter as it is higher in calories. He is one spoiled stray.
Speaking of kittens, McGonagall the orange kitten has certainly grown from eating kitten food, but so have the two adult cats who steal it on occasion. He came here as a one-pound ball of love and has finally has reached the three pound plus mark. He is feisty, loves to bite and scratch but also loves cuddles. He loves to eat raw meat and is fussy about what cooked meat he scavenges. In February he may not like me or the vet, if you get my drift.
Having a kitten is like having a toddler at Christmas. He has so far not tried to climb the pencil trees, but was eyeing up a fly that had landed on an ornament. I grabbed him before he jumped. There are toys scattered everywhere and some decorations I simply gave up on. Poor Santa, all five of them, have spent more time facedown than upright. The gifts were taped well so there were no edges showing for a little
paw to experiment with.
As we approach the end of 2024, please do not say the next year can’t be any worse than this one. It can. However, we will survive, maybe with a few battle scars but we are a tough bunch. I look forward to being involved in community events, another year of “Just Words” the writing workshop will arrive in January, and I will be part of a few other projects.
I will likely forget to write before the New Year so I wish Merry Christmas to those who celebrate the birth of the Christ child, Happy Hannukah, Yuletide greetings to my pagan friends, and a bright, joyful, peaceful holiday whatever, however you celebrate.