by Anita Benedict

Oh how I long for those pleasantly cool nights,
Wrapped in a fuzzy blanket reading by lamp light.
Or perched in a chair with appropriate layers,
With a fishing rod in my hand and the bright stars shining above.
The swish of the bay lulls me to sleep,
A quick snap on the line brings we awake.
Go ahead little fish, enjoy your snack for I,
I have drifted off to La-la land.
September, 2024
Despite being busy, my mind is churning out words of stories. It is like hundreds of
characters are trapped in my mind wanting to come to life, needing their story told.
I do long for the fall months so I can take time to sit with a computer or a notebook,
allowing their stories to come out.
Yes, I know that likely sounds odd to many but it has become a goal now; commit these lives, these stories to paper or computer files. While the brain has always been able to spin a tale, until last May the characters were mere shadows. After my trip to Digby Pines meeting three very different authors, I have been wanting to write. This summer I have met other writers who inspired me, so perhaps it is time.
Over the summer, when opportunity arose, I allowed those characters to come to life. The first was a curious cat, and many seemed to enjoy that one. Others are in progress and may never be seen by any audience, but I will enjoy the process.
Until next time, spread love and kindness; the world desperately needs it.