by Angela Sanford
You may have seen enough of Wyatt Sanford this past week or so – maybe even enough to last a lifetime, but not I! While I see the world vicariously through his travels, reaching destinations I will never see in person, it is the drive through East Hants that has me seeing him through the eyes of each of you! From Dartmouth to Truro and well beyond, flies the image of our youngest son and each time I see it I realize how many people are living his dream alongside of him and vicariously through him – not just his travel journey. I am also positive that if I could jaunt across the country, I’d see his mugshot hanging from flagpoles as far west as Sproat Lake, BC.

For nine months, I have eagerly awaited this Olympics and the opportunity to sit in the stands and witness Wyatt at the Olympics. However, a few days ago a harsh reality set in we will not be in Kennetcook during Wyatt’s bouts and to experience with friends and family alike. This may seem quite trivial and really ridiculous and the latter it definitely is.
Cousins contacted me a while ago and suggested their annual trip to NS would be coordinated to join us to watch Wyatt and I replied, “that will be great, but we’ll be in Paris” and, of course, they were elated for us and the truth of that statement did not register. Then a local boxer, who’s career closed just prior to our boys commencing, expressed his delight to join us as he did the last time and watch the event live in our front yard. Still, the actuality did not occur to me.
However, the moment I downloaded our first event tickets to my phone, I instantly lost it! The brutal reality faced me square on, hitting me like a ton of bricks – WE WILL NOT BE IN KENNETCOOK! And my emotional roller coaster of this past month came crashing to a halt, lying in a pool of downed tears that have been flowing steadily ever since. As I spoke the same words to others, I could barely mouth the words without the visceral reaction of crying immediately.
How can we not be here, with you, the community who have backed him, us, for years, for now two Olympics! How can I not have a friend appear out of nowhere to scream and hug me upon his success or to have another friend gently hold my leg in place so I don’t break through the floor with its jittering anticipation. We will only be able to imagine the intensity that will have so many on the edge of their seats – thankfully not at 2 am but perhaps at 2 pm. I feel like we have deserted you and it breaks my heart.
Until we fly, I am sure we’ll continue to field the questions about the draw, the time differences, the viewing options from people who know us well and others whom we have never met but recognize who we are and give us an opportunity to meet new “boxing family”. I wish we could smuggle each of you into our suitcases and take a trip to Paris together – though that sounds like the makings of a quality National Lampoon Adventure series. Know that our hearts will be torn - here with you and there with Wyatt making all of our dreams come true!