As you made your way across the soft blue, dusk-lit room, I caught a glimpse of your hazel eyes and I knew. I just knew. Maybe it was the fluttering in my stomach, the skipping beats in my heart, or the loss for words, but there was no changing my mind now – I was in love and all I could do was smile.
You brought smiles to everyone you passed on your way to me, warming the cool room, probably cooler for me than others as I had broken a sweat in anticipation. I couldn’t wait for the chance to hold you in my arms and forget the pain I had experienced before you arrived. The room was overcrowded, and I wanted you all to myself. I could only dream you would feel the same and that our relationship would grow over time. We had yet to meet but once we did, our relationship grew fast, and we were almost inseparable.
When you finally made your way to me, I could feel the immediate connection and I couldn’t hold back. Touching you, I chose to cradle you in my arms, hoping, yet knowing different, that I might never have to share you with another. That gentle moment was just that, brief, and already I was being challenged to let go, something I would struggle a lifetime with. I had to trust in a way I had never before experienced and learn that the tears I would shed in our relationship meant growth and deep, uncharted love for me.
The memory of our first encounter lingers in my heart and is strong in my memories. The baby soft touch of your skin, the strength in your hands, the unkempt dark brown hair, obviously not yet combed, filtered their way to the snapshot from that instant that I will forever hold in my mind.
All of these and so much more stole my heart, rather our hearts, as I immediately grasped the fortune, I had in becoming a mom for the first time, Your Mom.