by Anita Benedict

January certainly flew by and before we say it has been a long month, many of us are noticing how fast time really does fly. I do find if I get up when my alarm goes off, I have more time to get things done.
I am excited for February because I will once again be hosting the “Just Words” writing workshop in Noel. Last year participants had a lot of fun being creative in the pilot project. The focus is on what you are thinking in the moment and not being worried about spelling or grammatical errors. We also focus on enjoying being out on a winter morning and sharing laughs and a few stories.
We used prompts like photos of people, places and things, as well as random items like a thimble or a dice. Fun questions were asked and participants could answer however they wanted. Some wrote poetry, others wrote short stories, and some were content to just write in point form. I provided the prompts; they provided the fun results.
This year will be more of the same, except we are sponsored by a Community Health and Wellness grant through the Noel New Horizons Centre so materials are provided free of charge.
The program will be held in the basement/church hall of the Noel United Church, starting Tuesday, February 4, from 10 am to 12 pm. Spaces will be limited, and we have 15 signed up thus far. If you are interested, or want more information, please contact me through Facebook messenger at this time, or comment below this blog online.
So many thoughts and ideas come out of getting together as a community. It is a great way to meet people if you are new to the area, and to get to know folks who have been here a long time. Some people are comfortable sharing what they have wrote, others are content to listen. There is absolutely no pressure. We will have fun, one word at a time.