by Anita Benedict

I have been cranky and short tempered of late. Not sure why, but it seems to rear its ugly head all too often.
Funny enough, Facebook has come to my rescue a few times despite being a pain other times. One was a poem or prayer someone posted. “Keep my anger from becoming meanness. Keep my sorrow from collapsing into self-pity. Keep my heart soft enough to keep breaking. Keep my anger turned towards justice, not cruelty. Keep me fiercely kind.”
Perhaps that crankiness is due to snippets of news from around the world, and even posts I see on Facebook, so full of hate and judgment and I have to be careful not to fall into that same pattern. It could be fear of what is happening with elections south of us. If you are not afraid, you should be. Kamala is hope. We need one like her here.
I had a conversation the other day regarding politicians who spend their time spreading hate about the current government rather than actually telling us what they intend to do. They play on the dissatisfaction of the people and then turn out to be worse that what we already have. For those who say it
can’t be any worse than that; oh yes, it can get worse. I find it funny when I hear “all politicians lie” but then they swallow whatever rhetoric they want to believe.
I can honestly say I cannot vote for anyone who spreads discord, we already have too much in this world. Listen carefully to the words, the tone, and the attitude. Do they spread hope or anger? Do they speak any positive? The person who represents me should be intelligent, think before speaking and at least try to be respectful. Despite scandals, our late Queen was a model of behavior, as were some politicians of old.
I will be friendly with all people, unless they are screaming in my face of course (true story) I have to watch my temper and have decided that if I come across a “donkey” again I will start singing at the top of my lungs “Jesus Loves Me” or something like that.
There has been light and laughter and I am looking forward to the fall and winter months of activities. I intend to do all I can to create a little light and a lot of laughter. Thankfully I have people to help keep me lifted, I just needed to find them.
For now I will leave you with this statement from Facebook, “Could we, without relentlessly criticizing, let people have their pumpkin spice, and avocado toast, and their fandoms and their D&D and their too early Halloween (or Christmas) decorations, and whatever little harmless things in which they’ve managed to find a tiny shriveled flower of joy?”
Too bad we couldn't get someone like Kamala to run for prime minister in this country or premier in this province instead of what we have to settle for,I think the federal pc guy is our version of Trump