by Anita Benedict
Here we are in a bright new year with bright new opportunities.

It was a wonderful Christmas Eve and Day here with family and six cats. I have a few fun tales from the week that involved a rat, a cat and a Yeti sighting.
I woke the morning after Christmas to a rattle coming from my smallest dresser drawer; also known as a junk drawer. My kitten was at attention wondering what was in that drawer, I was trepidatiously getting ready to open it. Something was chewing on a plastic bag I had in there and with thoughts of
recently spotted rat activity in the area I sincerely hoped it was only a mouse.
I could not find my glasses and had early morning fog in my eyes. As I quietly creeped to the drawer and grabbed the handle yanking open the drawer. Something dark with a long tail scrambled out the back and I yelled for hubby to come in there was a rat.
He came to my rescue with a “it can’t be a rat.” I said “well it was black, with a long tail and took off before I could get a good look.” And seriously, I wasn’t about to be polite and ask it’s business. He sent me and the kitten out of the room and began to check. My sock drawer was open a small bit and he
pushed it in in case the “rat” tried to escape. The sound of a bell and an angry growl as he pushed, alerted him to it being one of the visiting adult cats.
That cat is as wiry as a rat. How she squeezed into those small spaces I don’t know. But she was determined to get her share of the cat treats I keep in there.
The next adventure involved our 4-year-old grandson who is obsessed by Yeti’s. His Nina (me) happens to have a onesie that looks like a Yeti and enjoys being silly with it. With the help of the kids, I arranged for him to see a Yeti on the front lawn. I expected them to let him see me from the door or window, I did not expect him to have coat and boots on.
As I trundled along the front lawn pretending to hide, I heard him coming for me. He was determined to catch the Yeti! I headed for the road where it was dark at a faster clip than I usually would. I heard his father yell to him, “don’t go on the road” and I had to increase my speed to avoid being caught. I do not run, and after a heavy supper, it was even more impossible. Thankfully there was no traffic.
I heard them go back in the house so the coast was clear. Apparently one of the visiting cats had also escaped in the excitement and Grumpy told Gibby the cat wanted to chase the Yeti away. He was safe from Yetis with all the cats we had.
Never a dull moment!